北京吉祥天地科技有限公司成立于2003年,以经营高科技仪器仪表为主,致力于打造引领行业的国际化一站式采购平台。北京吉祥天地科技有限公司专业致力于物探设备,无损检测仪器,工程检测仪器,环境监测设备,电工仪表,实验室仪器,气体检测仪器,农业检测仪器、水文地质设备及卫星手机和GPS产品,客户分布于矿业、地质、建筑、环保、质检、铁路、电力、安监、工商、农业、科研教育、工业、商检等各大领域。公司经过多年的运营与发展,至今已拥有Geometrics, Geonics, Zhinstruments, Scintex; Fluke, Flir, Oxford instruments, GE, sonatest; CA,GMC, Agilent ;Met One,STEVE Water ,Industrial scientific等多家国外知名品牌的中国区销售代理权。由于公司全体同仁齐心协力、共同努力,以及业界与国内外众多厂商、客户的大力支持和信任,北京吉祥科技已在气体检测、烟气分析、环境辐射、水质分析、实验室仪器、生态农林、食品安全、工业检测、安全防护等众多行业领域,树立起独立、完善、便捷的代理服务信誉,公司客户遍及石油化工、电力、军工航天、环保监测、教育科研、市政工程等行业领域。 北京吉祥天地科技凭借多年积累的丰富销售经验、完善的售后服务以及雄厚的技术支持力量,已成为诸多世界著名品牌的独家代理、区域代理和特约代理。北京吉祥科技的长远目标是成为中国特定行业内领先的检测分析仪器解决方案提供商。公司本着“精诚合作、团结共赢”的精神,和我们的渠道伙伴和客户一起诚信合作,共图发展。 经营目标 服务:追求为提供客户完整优质的服务。 共赢:追求与客户共同创造双方最大的利益。 信誉:追求全力创造与维护提升我们的良好信誉。 互动:追求致力为供货商与客户间公平而良好的互动。 公司承诺 北京吉祥天地科技有限公司郑重承诺: 提供高质量、可信赖、提升价值的全方位解决方案及服务。 Company profile Beijing Jixiang Communication Technology Co., Ltd was founded in 2003. Jixiang is a leading distributor and provider of high technology products. Our products are widely renowned for their high quality and the best services of our team are highly appreciated by the customers. We source our products form Geometrics, Geonics, Zhinstruments, Scintex; Fluke, Flir, Oxford instruments, GE, sonatest; CA,GMC, Agilent ; MET ONE , STEVEN WATER; Industrial scientific and many more. “Technology-based, customer first business and the true sincerity’s professionalism” is our Philosophy we always adhere to. After several years of development, The Company has developed a vibrant high-quality sales team with strong technical force and abundant professional knowledge. The company has strong economic and technological strength and has established a nationwide comprehensive distribution network. Our Business Scope Beijing Jixiang Communication Technology Co., Ltd specializes in a wide range of testing & inspection application instruments, which are manufactured from overseas and are classified into 10 categories: Geophysical equipments Non-destructive testing instruments, Environment Monitoring, Gas Detection Laboratorial instruments Engineering testing equipments Hydrology Monitoring Electrical Instrument Professional Instruments Soil Science and Plant Physiology Satellite Communication products and GPS products Our marketing experience Jixiang is experienced in marketing in China through several ways. Besides the website, we maintain our customers’ network, with about thousands of customers in our database, by sending product brochures in Chinese 3 or 4 times a year. We also sponsor professional conferences and programs in China . Jixiang has developed the partnerships with several research organizations, renowned universities and government agencies in China, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment Protection, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Communication / Transportation, Ministry of Railway, Ministry of Electricity & Water and Water Affairs Groups of national and provincial levels. We often organize workshops cooperated with these organizations to promote technologies and instrumentation. Jixiang has organized many technical seminars in different cities of the country. In these seminars, not only the universal principles of the instruments, but also the advanced technologies and research results are introduced to the customers. These technical seminars have become a good communication platform between the customers and Jixiang. Jixiang has attended many academic conferences and exhibitions in related scientific research fields to better understand the latest scientific and technological progress, better communicate with customers and serve customers, These conferences and exhibitions not only provided the customers a good chance to familiar with Jixiang and Jixiang products, Jixiang also learned much from these conferences and exhibitions. In general, Jixiang is dedicating its experiences on selling and technical service to the whole China by the cooperation with its suppliers and customer network. Our goal is to be as the professional company supplying international advanced instruments and best technical support to the customers. We look forward to working with all relevant circles. We do believe that the good products and service will lead us to a brilliant future, as well as long-term developing.